IHG - ERP - New Employee Creations Step-by-Step
By Rahul Rajeev on January 14, 2022
BeginnerNew Employee Creations Step-by-Step
1). Employee Creation
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/employee/new-employee-1
Points to take care of:
1). Title case
2). Assign to proper company, sponsoring company (same) and branch.
3). Date of joining.
2). User Creation
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/user/new-user-1
Make sure to follow a proper format for each user ID
3). Assign the User Created to Employee
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/employee/new-employee-1
4). Approvers Assigning
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/employee/new-employee-1
Give the name of expense approver and leave approvers name
5). Reports to
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/employee/new-employee-1
Give the reports to person of each employee. (Dept. Head).
6). Shift Assign
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/shift-assignment
Assign the shift to the employee
7). Attendance and Leave Details
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/employee/new-employee-1
Give the below details in attendance and leave details :
• Holiday List
• Default Shift
• Device ID – (emp code last 5 digits).
8). Salary Structure Creation
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/salary-structure/IHG-10304
• Give the same employee code as the name of the structure.
• Give the proper company
9). Salary Components
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/salary-structure/IHG-10304
- Give the proper salary components.
- Better take a duplicate of one existing salary structure, so u will get the formulas of air ticket and leave salary.
10). Salary Assignment
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/salary-structure-assignment/new-salary-structure-assignment-1
Assign the salary structure to the employee.
11). Salary Payment Details
URL: https://erp.ihgind.com/app/employee/new-employee-1